Practicing making fortune tellers

Today we practiced making the safer Internet Day fortunetellers. Some people found them difficult and some people found them easy to make so we decided it would be too difficult for the nursery and reception children to make them but year 1 and year 2 can have a go.





Safer Internet Day Planning

For the past 2 weeks we have been thinking about what we want to do on Safer Internet Day.

So far these are the ideas:
– we want the whole school to have a e- safety day. DLs to ask Zoe if this is ok and then Tracey will share with rest of teachers
– the DLs would like everyone to become DLs – digital learners -for the day
– The DLs will run an e-safety assembly and show the Kim and Lee film
– After play the DLs want to go into all the classes and teach an e-safety lesson using activities from the Safer Internet Day site (ideal internet, 2stars and a wish sheet and e-safety fortune tellers.
– the DLs want to hand out – esafety information out to parents in the playground after school
– we want to make posters to display around the school using photos of the DLs each with a speech bubble saying one of the rules to staying safe on the internet.

What are the main things we must teach everyone else?

~Do not give out personal information on the internet like your full name, your address, your school, your age.
~Don’t be rude to people just because you are not face to face. You should behave as you would if you were talking to them.
~If you start to be worried about something and get butterflies in your tummy you must tell a grown up. You can turn off the screen so you can’t see it but your grown up might want to check the website out.

Next week we will decide who goes to which class and start our lesson plans. We know we will have to think of different activities for the different age ranges.