The New Digital Leaders are announced!

On Monday the current Digital Leaders met to discuss the applications for the new Digital Leaders. They discussed the merits of each applicant and then voted on whether they thought they would be a good DL.

Today Tracey announced in assembly who had been successful. There was lots of excited anticipation in the hall and one by one as each name was called there was cheers and clapping. The good new is that we have decided that everyone who took the time and effort to apply will be a DL for next year.

So here are the names:

From Penguins – Katie, Eva, Callum

From Puffins –  Skye, Zoe, Kitty, Elijah, Ella, Poppy, JoJo, Rose, Chloe, Emily, Georgie and Arun

Congratulations everyone and I’m looking forward to working with you next year.
